our services


True north transformation

True North Transformation is a 6 month 1:1 coaching program. We will meet virtually 2x a month for a 50 min session, with text/email support between our scheduled sessions. In this program you are the driver and I am the navigator. You decide what nutritional and life goals you what to accomplish and I help you get there. This program is best suited for someone with specific goals such as becoming gluten free, improving gut health or mental health, losing/gaining weight, etc. The 6 month is customized for your needs or wants and offers the time, accountability, and support to make lasting change in your life. In this program you will also receive personal meal guides, shopping lists, info guides, recipes handouts, and more.


ask me anything

Ask Me Anything is a one-time consultation meant for the individual who needs guidance with one particular aspect of their health journey. Maybe you’re looking into going vegetarian. Maybe you want to make the switch to clean makeup. Maybe you’re curious about how going gluten-free can impact your life. This one hour consultation is the kick-off point that will give you the scientific evidence, product swaps, and the “how-to” implementation.


whole health


The Whole Health Crew is your health crazed BFF that has all the answers. This is community filled with people just like you looking to to learn more about general healthy living and make small shifts in their everyday life that will lead to feeling better and living longer. This group is a monthly subscription where every Monday you’ll receive a health tip (along with supporting research) and every Thursday I’ll answer questions you’ve asked throughout the week.